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SharePoint Migration

SharePoint Migration: Business Benefits and Services

11 October 2022

SharePoint Migration

Before you start planning that SharePoint migration, it is essential to know why and how, moving from your old intranet or document management system to a modern collaborative platform like SharePoint has its advantages. A successful SharePoint migration can help you create a new digital workspace for your employees and partners; streamline internal business processes; and offer new productivity features that improve user adoption of company services.

Whether you are initiating an upgrade from an older version of SharePoint, migrating from another collaboration platform, or just upgrading to the latest release of SharePoint on-premises, there are several factors and benefits to consider before taking that first step. In this article, we will look more closely at the benefits of successful migration and explore available services for a smooth transition.

Knowing your business goals before SharePoint Migration

Before you begin planning a SharePoint migration, it is important to understand what your business goals are in the first place. Having a clear goal in mind will help you determine which features you’ll need to achieve success. We can broadly classify SharePoint migration goals into 3 categories –

  • Improved Collaboration – This includes better communication and accessibility to remote employees, a reduction in email traffic, and improved team collaboration through easy document sharing and collaboration.
  • Improved Business Processes – For example, the ability to manage a contract lifecycle from start to finish, or a digital transformation that brings together multiple business functions into a single platform.
  • Better user adoption of company services and platforms – For example, a search-friendly intranet that provides easy access to information, or a platform for employees to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences.
Streamlined collaboration with better communication

For many businesses, the primary reason for migrating to SharePoint is the hope of improving communication and collaboration. SharePoint brings together various communication and collaboration tools, like blogs, calendars, discussions, documents, and team sites, into one single platform. With the implementation of these tools, you can make sure that your employees are better able to communicate with one another and with customers, partners, and suppliers. As a result, you can expect a reduction in email traffic and increased productivity. For example, you can use the integrated features of SharePoint’s Microsoft Teams service to create a communication channel that allows anyone to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues and customers.

Streamlined business processes

Another important reason for SharePoint migration is the desire to streamline company business processes. With SharePoint, you can integrate a wide range of business processes, from invoicing to contract management, customer relationship management (CRM), procurement, and more. This enables you to create one single digital workspace where employees can access the information, they need to do their job. For example, if you are managing a contract lifecycle, you can store all relevant contract information in SharePoint, including contract clauses, related documents, and signatories. You can also use SharePoint’s workflow functionality to automate business processes and reduce the time employees spend completing various tasks.

Better user adoption of company services and platforms

Another reason to migrate to SharePoint is to facilitate user adoption of your company platforms and services. In particular, you can use SharePoint to create a search-friendly intranet that provides easy access to information. This can help you centralize communication around certain topics or initiatives, and it may improve employee adoption of company services. At the same time, you can use SharePoint to launch a social collaboration platform on which employees can share ideas, knowledge, and experiences.

A successful SharePoint migration is only the beginning

Successful SharePoint migration is just the first step towards a thriving digital workplace. With the right platform and the right set of tools, you can transform your business and create a better work experience for your employees. That being said, you should always keep in mind that every business is unique. If you want to take full advantage of the benefits of a SharePoint migration, you must carefully consider your organization’s needs and tailor your solution accordingly. However, with the help of professional SharePoint migration services, you can easily overcome these challenges and get the most out of your investment.


A successful migration to SharePoint is a significant undertaking. It requires careful planning and consideration of several factors, including the needs of your organization and the services available from SharePoint. A successful migration can help you create a new digital workspace for your employees and partners, and it can also help you streamline internal business processes and offer new productivity features that improve user adoption of company services. A successful SharePoint migration is only the beginning. It is important to use the right platform to take full advantage of the benefits of a SharePoint migration and transform your business for the better.

If you are looking for SharePoint Migration service, Contact us our expert team will help you with the successful migration of your project.

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