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sharepoint lookbook

SharePoint Look Book: Everything You Need to Know

November 3, 2023

SharePoint Migration

SharePoint Look Book is a valuable resource provided by Microsoft that allows users to explore and utilize pre-designed templates to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of their SharePoint sites. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of SharePoint Look Book, its benefits, the types of templates available, and how to make the most of this tool.

What Is SharePoint Look Book?

SharePoint Look Book is a collection of pre-designed templates and site designs that are meant to transform the look and feel of your SharePoint sites. It’s a fantastic resource for SharePoint users who want to create visually appealing and user-friendly sites without the need for extensive design and development skills. The templates in the Look Book are designed to be both visually striking and highly functional, making it easier for organizations to showcase their content and improve user engagement.

Where do I find SharePoint templates in the Look Book?

SharePoint templates in the Look Book can be accessed through the official Microsoft website. To explore these templates, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official SharePoint Look Book Site: You can find the SharePoint Look Book on the official Microsoft SharePoint Look Book website. This is where you can explore and choose from a wide range of templates.
  2. Browse the Templates: Once on the Look Book site, you can browse through various templates and view examples of how they can be applied to SharePoint sites. Each template comes with a description and screenshots to give you a preview of its look and functionality.
  3. Customize Your Selection: After finding a template that fits your requirements, you can customize it to match your organization’s branding, content, and specific needs.

What Kind of Templates Are Available in the SharePoint Look Book?

The SharePoint Look Book offers a diverse range of templates, catering to various needs and scenarios. Here are some common types of templates available:

  1. Communication Site Templates: These templates are designed to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of communication sites. Communication sites are ideal for sharing news, reports, and other content with your organization or team.
  2. Team Site Templates: Team site templates are tailored for collaboration and teamwork. They help create organized and efficient spaces for teams to work together, share files, and manage projects.
  3. Hub Site Templates: Hub sites are used to organize and connect related sites. Hub site templates in the Look Book help you create a central hub that provides a consistent and unified experience for your users.
  4. Home Site Templates: Home sites serve as the landing page for your SharePoint intranet. The Look Book offers templates to enhance the appearance and functionality of your organization’s home page.

Who Can Create and Use Lookbook Templates?

SharePoint Look Book templates can be created and used by individuals and teams within your organization who have appropriate permissions. Generally, the process involves SharePoint administrators, designers, or content creators. You don’t need to be a developer to use these templates, as they are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to those with basic SharePoint knowledge.

How do I download Microsoft SharePoint Look Book templates?

To download templates from the SharePoint Look Book, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Microsoft SharePoint Look Book website. sharepoint lookbook
  2. Browse through the available templates and select the one that best suits your needs. sharepoint lookbook
  3. Click on the template to view its details sharepoint lookbook
  4. You can choose to download the template by clicking on the “Get it now” or “Download template” option, if available. sharepoint lookbook
  5. Save the template to your local system. sharepoint lookbook
  6. To apply the template to your SharePoint site, follow the provided instructions on the Look Book page.

How do I use SharePoint Look Book?

Using SharePoint Look Book is straightforward, and it’s designed to be user-friendly. Here’s a basic guide on how to use it:

  1. Choose a Template: Browse through the available templates in the Look Book and select the one that aligns with your goals.
  2. Download the template: Click on the template to view its details and download it as mentioned earlier.
  3. Apply the Template: Once downloaded, you can apply the template to your SharePoint site by following the provided instructions. This typically involves importing the template into your SharePoint site, where you can customize it according to your organization’s needs.
  4. Customize Your Site: SharePoint Look Book templates serve as a starting point for your site’s design. Customize the template to include your organization’s branding, content, and any additional features or elements you require.
  5. Publish Your Site: Once you’ve customized your site, you can publish it to make it accessible to your team or organization.
  6. Maintain and Update: Regularly update and maintain your SharePoint site to ensure it remains relevant and useful to your users.

What Are the Pros and Cons of the Microsoft Look Book?

  1. Ease of Use: SharePoint Look Book simplifies the process of designing and customizing SharePoint sites, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  2. Visually Stunning: The templates available in the Look Book are visually appealing and can significantly enhance the look of your SharePoint sites.
  3. Time-saving: By using pre-designed templates, you can save time on site design and development.
  4. Consistency: Templates help maintain a consistent look and feel across your SharePoint sites, which is essential for brand identity and user experience.
  5. No Coding Required: You don’t need coding or design skills to use Look Book templates effectively.
  1. Limited Customization: While templates offer customization options, they may not cater to highly specialized or unique requirements.
  2. Content Migration: If you already have existing content on a SharePoint site, migrating it to a new template may require some effort.
  3. Dependency on Microsoft: As Look Book is a Microsoft product, you are dependent on their templates and updates, which may not always align with your specific needs.

How Do I Make SharePoint Online Look Good?

To make your SharePoint Online site look good and user-friendly, consider the following tips:
  1. Choose the Right template: Select a template from the SharePoint Look Book that aligns with your goals and the type of site you’re building.
  2. Branding: Customize the template with your organization’s branding elements, such as logos, color schemes, and fonts.
  3. Content: Ensure that the content on your site is well-organized, up-to-date, and relevant to your users.
  4. Navigation: Create clear and intuitive navigation menus to help users find information easily.
  5. Responsiveness: Ensure that your SharePoint site is responsive, so it looks good on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  6. Engaging Features: Utilize SharePoint features such as news, announcements, calendars, and document libraries to keep your site engaging and interactive.
  7. Accessibility: Make sure your site is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following accessibility guidelines.
  8. Regular Maintenance: Continuously update and maintain your site to keep it current and functional.


SharePoint Look Book is a valuable resource for organizations looking to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of their SharePoint sites. With a variety of templates available, users can easily create visually stunning and user-friendly sites without the need for extensive design or development skills. Call us today to unlock the full potential of SharePoint Look Book and transform your SharePoint Online site into a user-friendly masterpiece.

While there are some limitations, the pros of using SharePoint Look Book templates far outweigh the cons. By following best practices and customizing templates to suit your needs, you can make your SharePoint Online site look good and provide an exceptional user experience.

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