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how to create a folder in sharepoint

How to Create a Folder in SharePoint

19 April 2024

In modern SharePoint environments, effective document management is crucial for maximizing productivity and collaboration among team members. While SharePoint promotes metadata-driven organization as a superior method for managing content, folders still play a significant role in structuring information, especially for users familiar with traditional file systems. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the steps to create a folder in modern SharePoint and discuss best practices for organizing your content.

Understanding Modern SharePoint

Modern SharePoint offers a sleek, intuitive interface designed to enhance user experience and streamline collaboration. Compared to its predecessor, classic SharePoint, modern SharePoint introduces several enhancements, including responsive design, improved navigation, and enhanced document libraries. However, transitioning from classic to modern SharePoint may require users to familiarize themselves with the updated interface and feature set.

Why Use Folders in SharePoint?

While SharePoint encourages the use of metadata for organizing content, folders can still serve a valuable purpose in certain scenarios. Here are some reasons why you might choose to use folders in SharePoint:

  1. Familiarity: Users accustomed to traditional file systems may find folders more intuitive for organizing documents.
  2. Temporary Organization: Folders can be useful for temporary or ad-hoc organization of documents before applying metadata.
  3. Granular Access Control: Folders allow you to apply unique permissions, granting specific users or groups access to a subset of documents within the library.

Steps to Create a Folder in Modern SharePoint

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a folder in a document library within a modern SharePoint site:

Step 1: Navigate to the Document Library

  1. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the SharePoint site where you want to create the folder.
  2. Locate and select the document library where you intend to add the folder. Document libraries are typically accessible from the site’s homepage or navigation menu.

Step 2: Access the Library Menu

  1. Once you’re within the document library, you should see a toolbar at the top of the page.
  2. Click on the “+ New” button in the toolbar to reveal a dropdown menu of options.

Step 3: Choose Folder

  1. From the dropdown menu, select the “Folder” option. This action will initiate the folder creation process within the document library.

Step 4: Name the Folder

  1. A dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter a name for the new folder.
  2. Provide a descriptive name that reflects the contents or purpose of the folder.
  3. After entering the folder name, click the “Create” button to proceed with folder creation.

Step 5: Verify Folder Creation

  1. Upon clicking “Create,” the new folder will be added to the document library.
  2. You should now see the newly created folder listed among the other items within the document library.

Best Practices for Folder Organization

While folders can be useful for structuring content, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure efficient information management:

  1. Limit Folder Depth: Avoid creating excessively nested folder structures, as this can make navigation challenging for users.
  2. Combine with Metadata: Supplement folder-based organization with metadata to provide additional context and improve searchability.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Periodically review and optimize folder structures to ensure they remain aligned with evolving business requirements.
  4. Educate Users: Provide training and guidance to users on effective document management practices, including when to use folders versus metadata.


Creating folders in modern SharePoint is a straightforward process that empowers users to organize their content efficiently. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices for folder organization, contact us create a structured and intuitive information architecture that enhances collaboration and productivity within your organization.

Whether you’re leveraging folders for temporary organization or incorporating them into a broader metadata-driven strategy, modern SharePoint offers the flexibility and functionality to support your document management needs.

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