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Benefits of managed IAM

The Benefits of Managed IAM vs In-House IAM

16 August 2022

benefits of IAM vs In House IAM

In this digital information age, companies are increasingly looking for help with technology and data management. The picture that emerges is that companies are using a mixture of technologies and platforms to keep information desktops, devices, and software updated at the same time as people are using Managed IAM to manage their digital identities, applications, and sensitive data. Managed IAM is one of the most effective strategies for connecting with your employees remotely and securely. As a result, Managed Identify and access management have become an essential part of keeping your organization’s digital records in order while still maintaining control over them.

In this article, we will go through the reasons not to consider in-house IAM and the benefits of managed Identify and access management over in-house IAM.

Why you should use Managed IAM

Managed IAM offers a comprehensive solution for digital asset management. It ensures sensitive information is protected while being used when necessary. While it may be tempting to use your internal procedures for identity verification and access management, there are several fundamental reasons why you should not.

Cost-effective: When allocating internal resources (people, time, and money) are factored in, there are substantial costs associated with building and maintaining an in-house IAM solution. This is why many organizations opt for a managed IAM solution. It’s more cost-effective and you don’t lose any employee work time when using managed identity and access management systems since you only pay for the services you use when you need them.

Saves time: Managed IAM solutions are often pre-configured. This means they come ready to use because they’re cloud-based and accessible from anywhere. This means you can get started quickly, and you don’t have to waste time building a system that is both functional and secure.

Compliance and Security Assurance: Because there is a significant danger of losing important data or running afoul of compliance regulations, you decide to adopt IAM procedures. You won’t have many options if it goes wrong if you don’t have expertise with circumstances like these. If a problem arises, the provider assumes the risk and most of the responsibility when you use certified managed services for identity and access management.

Threads of Cybersecurity are Reduced: If you train internal staff members on your identity and access management protocols when those staff members are fired or leave voluntarily your cybersecurity procedures follow them. Your Identify and access management system will need to be fully rebuilt, and you’ll also need to rely on the character of the employee, who might not always be departing on good terms. Your security data is always in the hands of a reliable source when you employ a managed IAM service provider, whose reputation for safeguarding the information of businesses like yours is on the line.

Benefits of Managed IAM

Change management: When you use an in-house IAM solution, you have to ensure that the system is changed when necessary. This can be challenging because you have to manage the changes. With a managed IAM solution, the system is managed for you, making change management easier.

Better for compliance & security: When you use an in-house IAM solution, you have to ensure that the system meets all applicable compliance requirements and ensure the system is secure. This can be challenging because you have to be knowledgeable about compliance. With a managed IAM solution, If a problem arises, the provider faces and solves the threat and the majority of the consequences.

Efficiency: Your IAM policies may be set up and functioning more quickly and effectively with the help of a strong managed identity and access management provider than you are likely to be able to do on your own.

Highly Qualified and Expert Staff: A competent managed IAM services firm will manage your system with highly trained, experienced, qualified, and certified staff. So, there is no need for you to hire more workers or spend time and money training In house teams on IAM practices.

Conclusion: In house vs managed IAM

When comparing in-house IAM vs managed IAM, Managed identify and access management has more benefits like a cost-effective, In-house IAM is always more costly than managed IAM because you’re taking on the responsibility of building and managing the system yourself. Using an in-house IAM solution can make it harder to avoid mistakes, such as misidentifying someone as a security risk. It can also make it more challenging to comply with regulations and In-house IAM makes it harder to meet compliance requirements. That’s why Managed identify and access management is an essential part of keeping your organization’s digital records in order while still maintaining control over them.

We provide a variety of on-premises and cloud-based, award-winning managed identity and access management systems at Star Knowledge. We can create the ideal IAM solution for your company. Not only can we set up a system for your company, but we can also support your IAM solutions round-the-clock with concierge-managed services. Contact us for more information about our managed IAM services and how we can protect your organization.

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