Digital Transformation

16 SEP 2021Enabling users’ ability to use digital touchpoints undisturbed is what digital adoption means, digital portals that assist users in self-serving are more in demand and creating a buzz...

07 SEP 2021Employee training and development are always focused on reshaping skills and knowledge to boost employee performance and efficiency at the workplace, persistent efforts from the organizations towards employee...

20 Aug 2021 Nearly half of the world is on the internet today for daily essentials, People from companies to institutions stay connected via the internet, and to provide secured connectivity...

27 July 2021February 2021, the introduction of viva was made - The first employee experience driving platform from Microsoft by collaborating O365, teams, and other Microsoft products to support employee...

13 July 2021Rapid cloud transformation and technology adoption trends made the worst-hit industries regain the pace of customer acquisition, productivity, and enhance business growth with no choice left other than...