windows 365 cloud pc for hybrid work

Windows 365 from Microsoft 365 for hybrid work:

13 AUG 2021

windows 365 cloud PC

Microsoft is back with innovation to support hybrid work culture and keep people connected & secure while they work, with all new windows 365 for hybrid work people will be able to access their PCs and start using it right from any device without even remembering where they left.

Windows 365 cloud PC from Microsoft 365 will contribute a work culture that never says no to flexible locations, time constraints, different devices, and cloud connectivity. Windows 10 or Windows 11 cloud services from Microsoft make you experience a new way of work by taking OS to the cloud together with all your settings, apps, and data.

According to the work trend index from Microsoft, the next great disruption is hybrid work where 66% of the leaders considering redesigning office space for hybrid work, 73% of employees want flexible work options, and 67% of employees want collaborative work culture.

Windows with cloud solutions of Office 365 provides a hybrid platform in a new hybrid personal computing category which we call as cloud PC for personalized experience on any device you log in, “With Windows 365 we are creating a new category called cloud PC” said Satya Nadella chairman and CEO, Microsoft.

Pick up from where you left off – an experience of cloud PCs during switching different devices according to situations helps employees deliver better productivity and stay secured with windows 365 built principles of zero trust.

Windows 365 for hybrid work advantages:

  1. Stores information on cloud
  2. Gives hybrid personal computing category – cloud PC
  3. Delivers the consistent PC experience even on different devices
  4. Supports collaboration, learning, and wellbeing.
  5. Helps employees to thrive in the modern workplace.
  6. Provides a more secured platform with multifactor authentication.
  7. Keep your employees – connected, collaborated, productive, and secure.
  8. Virtual windows desktop on the browser.
  9. Can also be accessed from Microsoft remote desktop app.
  10. Suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Windows 365 provides a simple and secured digital workplace environment for the people who love the no-mess nature of virtual desktops during switching between devices to devices and location to location, windows 365 here provides an opportunity for companies to tackle the costs involved in enterprises owned infrastructure and hardware with a new approach of hybrid working and cloud computing.

Read: Microsoft to bolster employee engagement in hybrid workplace

Microsoft has combined the capabilities of devices with the power of the cloud to deliver a productive, secured, and well-connected ecosystem for the employees in order to enhance their wellbeing, learning, and bridge the knowledge gap challenges faced by many organizations in the market.

With the recent announcement of Microsoft viva for empowering employee experience at Microsoft inspire 2021, the new announcement of windows+365 creating a buzz in the technology world by creating a dilemma in the business leaders on the 0365 business plan to choosing, if you are now searching on the CSP for guidelines contact us, as a leading modern workplace solutions provider and Microsoft gold partner we deliver the best suitable solution that fits your business requirements.

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