Digital Reporting

Sony Digital Reporting Project

Digital Reporting


The client is a leading global media agency

Clients concocted a thought

The client is aiming to provide a tool to automate its customer, Sony Electronics’ data analysis capability for its advertisements on various web sites. In order to do this a sophisticated business Intelligence tool with data warehouse was essential. While it resulted in creation of a tool called Digibase by the Client, presenting the data to Dashboard required several manual manipulations. This had to be automated with necessary extensions to the application modules.


While the existing application was functioning well on some parts, benchmarking and Dashboard functions were not well setup. To make extensions to existing application, clear architectural documentation was not available. Moreover, the new modules had to work with existing deployment of Digibase, which required thoroughly conceived and working modules for integration.

  • Data Ingestion: Existing modules were incomplete and undocumented
  • Benchmark Computations: Multi-year benchmarking of earlier data within system didn’t exist
  • Dashboard: Except basic set of reports there were no comparisons on multi-year benchmarks

What we proposed

The modules and automations were planned as extensions under the hood of existing Digibase application which had MS IIS webserver and MS SQL servers as underlying components. Existing source code of modules were analyzed and new extensions made to fit into this. Once tested in development environment, these were to be tested on a Staging environment to ensure its production capabilities.

  • Data Ingestion: Several source data files containing performance information were analyzed and existing modules were modified to populate them to application as desired.
  • Benchmark Computations: Based on several years of data, metrics were to be generated for use as benchmark. Existing application had almost no modules for benchmark computations.
  • Dashboard Development: Once multi-year benchmark computations were available, it had to be compared with current performance data and reported based on user needs.

Results & benefits obtained

The key benefits realized as a result of the successful project include:

  • High Quality modules allowing Client to minimize manual process to see the performance information on a Dashboard.

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